Just about everyday another Mom will stop and admire our adorable baby boy and just about every time I hear the phrase, "How did our kids ever survive back in the day?" This of course comes up after bringing up a topic like infant shots or when to start solid foods. Well today I'm expressing my two cents and shining light on the other side of the story...well my story at least.
Now, I'm surely not a professional in any sort of baby field or any field for that matter. In fact, I'm a young, first time mom just trying to be aware of what's best for my baby. I can agree that most kids survive just about anything that parents do these days. Kids are tough and can adapt to things that happen to them and I am a firm believer that parents know exactly what their baby needs. Books, blogs, doctors, and health nuts can say whatever they please, but a mom or dad are the only people that understand what their baby is asking for. The key factor here knowing what the best option is before we do it. I think we all owe it to our kids (as educated parents) to take the time to listen to what "they" say and decide what's best from there ("they" being those authors, doctors, bloggers, and etc).
Being 24 years old in this lovely modern world makes it seem like "everyone" around me is announcing the birth of their new baby! So naturally, I watch and enjoy all the status updates and photos of these new babies. How could you not enjoy hearing about a new life in this world? And well...if you don't enjoy it, you better deactivate your Facebook account, cuz everyone is talking about their baby. A big trend right now is sitting those brand new babies in their state of the art ergonomical chair and feeding them some sort of solid food!! Last time I checked "they" said that babies do not need anything but formula or breast milk during the first six months. Those cute little bodies need to be able to sit up so they can even attempt to swallow food and their digestive systems need to fully mature in order to process that same food. There are dozens of popular sources that list each and every reason to delay solid foods. Does this mean that it's wrong to give your baby solids and you want to because your mom did the same thing for you? OF COURSE NOT!! You survived and most likely your baby will survive too. If those extra 5 calories will help you get more sleep at night....that is great because sleep these days is like winning Mega Millions. I'm personally choosing to delay solids because the research was done and the statements were published for parents to decide. They want to make us aware of what they know now and what they know now is very useful information. It's all in our best interests. Read the statements and do the research..then decide what to do. Yes your child will survive, but keep in mind that anything can happen to you and any baby has an equal chance of being that one in (how ever many) kids that develop diabetes, allergies, obesity..etc.
Look at it this way:
Your grandmother kept a very fashionable basket in her car for carrying her baby while on the go and you're here today to say that her baby survived. Now are you going to use a tested and approved infant car seat because "they" say it safer, or are you going to dig out that that gorgeous basket just like they did back in the days?
The answer to this question about how kids survived is very simple: most kids WILL survive!!! Statistics, journals, publications, etc state only percentages, approximations, and chances!! All of their lovely statements express what portion of kids suffered from whatever it is. The majority of people can all say they survived. My thoughts here are...I don't want to be the mom who falls under one of those stats. Anything can happen to us and we should know our stuff before taking on such a huge responsibility of raising a healthy human being. Sometimes "they" know what they are talking about and I personally like what "they" say (most of them..hehe). So moms and others who seem entertained by some of my new mom ways, please remember that I know your kids survived and they are beautiful kids at that.....just respect my decisions as I respect yours.
Links I like:
Why delay solids?
6 reasons to delay solid foods.
Healthy Children
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